Exabytes Digitalises Home Businesses

Get your mum and dad the biggest gift!

#MamaPapaGoesOnline – In conjunction with Mother’s and Father’s Day, we would like to gift your parents:

*Exabytes will select 10 most story-worthy applications

Exabytes WeCare

Exabytes Digitalises Home Businesses

In an initiative to support and encourage home businesses, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic, Exabytes is geared to provide an online presence platform for home businesses who are operating actively to enhance financial stability. Since the hit of the pandemic, there has been many success stories showing that taking businesses online proves growth in sales and new customers. As such, Exabytes would like to provide the opportunity for home businesses to grow their business online.


Ongoing Campaign(s):

Digitalising Home Businesses

This Mother’s and Father’s Day, give your parents the biggest surprise by building them a FREE website for their home businesses. In an initiative to grow home businesses and giving them an extra platform to receive sales, Exabytes’s #MamaPapaGoesOnline campaign would like to offer your mummy or daddy a free website to grow their home business online. Tell us a short story about your mama’s or papa’s home business to apply for a free website for their business.



Instant Website Design Package

We will build a 5-page business website showcasing your services with a .com or .my website address and a business email.

(One year, Instant Website – Plus)

Worth S$1500
Professional Design and Copywriting
1 to 1 Professional Website Consultation
Leads generation intro platform
Showcase of your company portfolio

eCommerce Website Design Package

We will build you your online store where it will showcase and list your products for sale, and start selling online.

(One year, eCommerce Starter)

Worth S$535
Professional Design and Copywriting
1 to 1 Professional Website Consultation
Online payment method set-up
A One-stop platform to manage your shipment arrangements

Let us know how we can help

Get an online presence sponsorship from Exabytes

    Terms and Conditions

    1. Campaign period: 1st May to 31st July 2021
    2. This sponsorship program is applicable to home businesses in Malaysia.
    3. 10 most story-worthy mums and pops home business will be selected at the end of the campaign.
    4. Selection of eligible registrants is fully at the discretion of Exabytes.
    5. All information submitted must be true and accurate. Should false information be found, the said registrant will be automatically disqualified.
    6. The team at Exabytes will discuss and advise suitability of plans according to your needs.
    7. This sponsorship of Exabytes products and services is strictly not exchangeable for cash.
    8. Exabytes reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this program without prior notice.

    Why Choose

    Your complete AI, Business App, Cloud, Digital and Ecommerce solutions provider

    SEA's Trusted and Leading Brand

    Known and recognised as Southeast Asia’s leading AI, Business App, Cloud, Digital and Ecommerce solutions provider, powering over 160,000 customers globally.

    More Than A Web Hosting Provider

    We are your one-stop point for all that your business needs to build an online presence and grow your business to greater heights online.

    The Latest is Here at Exabytes

    We are equipped with the latest digital solutions at all times, that is best-suited for your business performance.

    Proven 100% Client Satisfaction

    We are backed by excellent client confidence and satisfaction, and the products and services we offer carry credibility.



    Get the latest updates!

    You’re all caught up! We’ll notify you when we have new announcements for you.

    Free Extended Hosting

    Example #1:

    If your existing hosting with your current provider will expire in another 6-month time, we will extend your next renewal date of Exabytes hosting plan for 6 months free!

    Your new hosting period with Exabytes: 12 months (new yearly hosting plan) + 6 months (free extension)

    ** We will extend your hosting for up to maximum of 12 months based on the balance of your remaining months with your existing provider.

    Example #2:

    If your existing hosting with other vendors will only expire in another 15 months time, we will extend your next renewal date of Exabytes hosting plan for another 12 months only as the maximum period we can extend is 12 months.

    Your new hosting period with Exabytes: 12 months (new yearly hosting plan) + 12 months (free extension)