Exabytes now lets you to find information or make purchases with simple text messages from a live chat service made available on its website!

live chat exabytes

Live chats provide fast, on-demand support to cater to the needs of the existing and potential customers, and build rapport with your visitors over time.

So will your business/website LOSE OUT if it doesn’t offer live chat/live assistance? Read On To Find Out!

1. Convenience

Live chat offers great convenience for your website visitors. With it, your website visitors can have the Speediest Response possible without having them to seek help via phone call, email or social media.

Your potential customers can easily and quickly get the answers they want and have all their doubts cleared in no time.

This high availability can certainly BOOST website, customer nd shopping EXPERIENCE!

2. Stronger connection

Adding live chat functionality to your website allows customers to have a personal interaction and stronger connection with your company. The availability of a live chat is able to provide a warm assistance to your customers better than some robotic response.


“We think you should be able to text message a business like you would a friend, and get a quick response,”

– Facebook co-founder and chief Mark Zuckerberg said.

3. Increase Conversions

Once customers are engaged with the products and services that can meet their needs, they are in the perfect position to make a purchase.

Higher customer satisfaction scores and a double-digit increase in shoppers have proved the value of live chat.

The key is to walk the customers through a sale. This helps to reduce bounce rate on websites and ensure a successful checkout!

So, Exabytes is here to help! Go ahead and send us any queries!

chat exabytes