We discovered that many people had overlooked the safety of WordPress install. Therefore, if you just bought our WordPress Hosting and you need a guidance, you may follow our step by step below on how to make your WordPress hosting more secure with install WordPress Securely using Cpanel.
(Source : www.theme-fusion.com)
Lets we get started now how to install WordPress Securely using Cpanel® via Softaculous.
How to Install WordPress Securely Using CPanel
1. First step is to login to your hosting cPanel;
Using URL: “yourdomainname.com/cpanel” from your address bar.
Enter the username and password.
2. The following is the display on cPanel Hosting of Exabytes
Once inside cPanel, find for Softaculous.
3. Now you are in Softaculous.
4. In Softaculous, install WordPress. You will see the logo of WordPress on the installation page. Point your mouse cursor over the logo and click Install.
5. The following is the Installation Configuration of WordPress.
6. Now it’s time to choose a protocol for WordPress. If you’re using SSL, then you would use HTTPS. If you haven’t purchased an SSL Certificate, then HTTP will suit you just fine.
Select an option for Choose Protocol. In this case we’re selecting https://
( For Information, visit SSL Certificate )
7. Next, select your Choose Domain. This is the domain under which WordPress will be installed. If you want WordPress installed in the root directory for your domain, then under In Directory remove “wp”.
–>You may also specify another directory.
8. Both the Site Name and the Site Description should be filled in with information relevant to your new blog/site. Only Enable Multisite (WPMU) if you plan to use this feature. (A multisite network is typically very similar to a personal version of WordPress.com, where end users can create their own sites on demand.)
9. It is strongly recommended that the Admin Username changed to other than “admin”. For the Admin Password, be sure to follow the Tips for creating a strong password on safe passwords: Practice Safe Passwords: Tips for creating a strong password. And then enter an appropriate e-mail address for the Admin Email. This email will receive notifications from your WordPress installation.
10. Select a language for your WordPress installation and it is wise to select Limit Login Attempts.
11. All the options under the Advanced Options heading, suggested at least enabling backups, Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins and Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes.
For example, if you want to store one week worth of Automated backups, then select Once a week and then under Backup Rotation select 4.
12. The theme is entirely based on personal preference.
Reminder: Don’t forget to put “Email installation details” to receive details of your WordPress configuration.
Then click install button.
It Completed!!!
Your WordPress Hosting application is now installed and ready to use with secure. You can now login and start a business, or blog with peace of mind!
If you have any further questions about this topic or your personal situation, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service for help.