WordPress Blog SEO Friendly

As a WordPress blog owner, one wants the blog to be SEO-friendly so that it ranks better in search engines.

The higher Google and other SEO key search engine rankings will boost the blog’s exposure and organic visitors.

According to W3Techs, WordPress blogs are utilized by 43.2% of all websites on the internet.

Since 2011, WordPress blog usage has climbed by an average of 12% every year. WordPress blog powers 65.2% of all websites that employ a content management system.

WordPress blog is widely regarded as one of the most SEO-friendly platforms, with out-of-the-box capabilities that may assist one in optimizing the blog SEO for search engines.

Let’s see how one can leverage these built-in capabilities, as well as additional services and tools, to boost your WordPress blog ranking.

1# Select a Managed Hosting Service.

Even before you install WordPress, you should choose a hosting solution that will help safeguard and speed up your site.

While security and performance may not have a direct influence on your WordPress blog ranking, a compromised or sluggish site will result in negative user experiences and traffic loss. This has an effect on the SEO of your website.

Managed hosting is the best of the four sorts of services for optimizing your WordPress blog website.

Managed hosting essentially implies that you share some of the responsibility of maintaining a WordPress blog with your hosting company.

Among other things, the business will cache your WordPress blog on a regular basis, conduct malware scans and daily backups, patch security flaws, and update your WordPress blog plugins and themes.

Managed hosting may help you simplify the process because site speed, page load times, and security all have an influence on Search Engine Optimisation.

Once you’ve decided on hosting your WordPress blog provider, you should look for a reputable and high-performing hosting company.

Exabytes, among many others, is a well-known WordPress blog hosting provider.

2# Choose an SEO-friendly WordPress theme.

Example of a WordPress Template

Did you know that every year, mobile devices account for 60% of organic search engine visits? And, for the vast majority of search queries, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly results.

To optimize your WordPress blog for both desktop and mobile devices, you’ll need a responsive theme.

When choosing a theme, you should also analyze its code and design. A badly coded or feature-rich theme might cause the site to load slowly, affecting your visitors’ experience and SEO search ranking.

3# Activate a WordPress SEO Plugin

WordPress is already quite good for SEO out of the box. However, we usually advise customers to install a free SEO plugin for WordPress as well. This provides you with total control over how Google perceives your WordPress blog.

Getting the SEO plugin for WordPress it is the obvious victor in terms of popularity, but it’s not the only one!

To increase your organic search traffic, you may look for alternative SEO plugins to optimize website contents or use Exabytes SEO services.

4# Improve Your Title Tags

Include your major target keyword in the title tag of your WordPress blog article or page.

Previously, SEO experts advised inserting your keyword at the start of the title wherever feasible, as this would carry more weight in SEO search engines.

This method is gradually losing supporters in 2022. Although having essential keywords in title tags early on is still crucial, things are increasingly going towards more complicated scenarios in which click-through rate (CTR) optimization should be addressed in addition to SEO keyword relevancy.

5# Increase your click-through rate by writing meta descriptions.

When it comes to rankings, meta descriptions have no effect on your WordPress blog SEO.

They do, however, influence your CTR. A well-written meta description can persuade visitors to click on your WordPress blog content rather than the one above or below it in SEO search results.

The greater your CTR, the more SEO traffic you will receive. If consumers do not return to Google, it is a strong indicator that your WordPress blog material was a success, and Google is more likely to rank your WordPress blog sites higher.

As a result, meta descriptions might have an indirect impact on your SEO.

6# Yoast SEO Plugin

Yoast SEO is a popular free SEO plugin for WordPress for optimizing your WordPress blog for search engines.

It enables you to create SEO titles and descriptions for all of your website’s articles and pages with ease. It also allows you to use Open Graph information and social media photos in your articles.

Yoast SEO provides an XML sitemap for all of your website’s content, making it easier for SEO search engines to index your site.

If you previously used another SEO plugin, it also makes it simple to import your data.

For more information about Yoast SEO Plugin.

7# Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a program that allows you to develop your own SEO keyword suggestions directly from Google.

This free tool is available to all Google marketers and is open to the public. Its primary function is to present marketers with the trending keywords on which they might bid for their advertising campaigns.


8# Build strong backlinks

Backlinks are still important for a website, no matter if it’s a WordPress blog or a cPanel website.

Google utilizes them to determine the authority of a webpage and to display another relevant or important site with supporting information.

When a high authority domain connects to you, it does far more than you may expect. Backlinko’s Brian Dean examined over one million SEO search results and concluded that backlinks are still an essential ranking factor.

In general, an increase in the number of referring WordPress websites connecting to you is a favorable indicator. This implies that as time passes, more and more websites will connect to yours.

WordPress is adaptable, not just as a CMS but also as a result of the free SEO plugin for WordPress.

One may make the WordPress blog SEO-friendly by utilizing WordPress’s built-in capabilities or the plugins listed above.

If you are looking for a WordPress hosting for your website, Exabytes can provide you best in class web hosting plan.

Businesses can also get Exabytes SEO services to be found on google search in 90 days.

To know more about Exabytes WordPress hosting and SEO services, contact us now.

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