Attention Please! Google Chrome will mark websites that start with HTTP as “Not Secure”!

To step up its efforts to protect more internet users, Google will WARN Google Chrome users when they try to visit an HTTP website that contains password or credit card form fields.

The new implementation which aims at providing a more secure browsing experience is expected to push countless website owners to apply encryption/go for SSL Certificate for their websites.

https vs http

IT’S COMING! Https VS Http

The new implementation is effective from January 2017 with Chrome 56. Users will see the warning “Not Secure” when they visit HTTP websites that contain password or credit card form fields.

In later stage, the security indicator will be a red triangle previously used for broken HTTPS websites.

Users’ information are important and should always be kept safely. Transmitting sensitive information such as credit card numbers over an HTTP website is not safe as the information can be intercepted by hackers.

So, why not implement the SSL encryption now?

Why You Need SSL

1) Prevent Your Customers’ Sensitive Data Such As Credit Card Numbers And Passwords From Being Intercepted By A Third Party.

2) To Help Visitors To Identify Your Website As Legitimate And Increase Visitor Trust.

3) Make Potential Customers Feel Safe And Confident To Perform Online Transactions Or Do Business With You.

4) Higher visitor/customer trust, more transactions and better sales

For more information: Why Do We Need SSL Certificates?

The use of an SSL certificate on a website is usually indicated by a padlock icon on web browsers but it can also be indicated by a green address bar.

Therefore, show the green indicator to your users instead of red triangle.

Not sure How SSL Certificate Works? Contact our Sales Team at [email protected] or visit our website for more info: SSL Certificate
