Global Switch New Data Center

In line with Exabytes’ objective to widen the coverage and facilities of our multi-location cloud hosting which already included Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur and Cyberjaya), the United States and Japan, we are glad to announce the recent new data center in Singapore, Global Switch.

About Global Switch Singapore

Global Switch Singapore, a data center that situated in Tai Seng Avenue and operates to a Tier 3 standard or higher is known to provide world-class infrastructure, connectivity and security.

Its power infrastructure is designed to ensure robust resilience with continuous IT power while customers’ equipment is protected in a well-managed, resilient environment with primary cooling infrastructure designed to N+1 and linked into Building Management Systems.

With respect to security, the data center is reinforced by sophisticated alarm systems, closed circuit TV surveillance and 24×7 on-site security through to advance warning communications from government and cyber organizations.

Giving You a Competitive Advantage

With the extension of data center location, Exabytes is confident in giving you, our valued customers a competitive advantage in attracting website visitors with better website experience, by using our cloud hosting services especially for local customers.

This is achieved with more Cloud hosting nodes set up in more locations around the world, which enables local webmasters to have more option on where to optimally host or deploy their web content, yet manage from the same familiar Cloud hosting control panel.

The Benefits of Hosting With A Local Host In A Local Data Center

The benefits of hosting with a local host in a local data center are numerous. In terms of SEO, your website will rank higher when searched by a local search engine such as .

Besides, there is no denying that websites that run web applications, Facebook application, business applications or social media sites count on superb website performance to attract and retain customers, and multi-location cloud is more than able to achieve all these.

 For more information on the new data center and multi-location Cloud, contact us at : [email protected]