What does Domain mean in business?
Domain is the name of the website ending in the extension (.com, .co.id, etc.) that you type in the address field of your browser to open the website.
Business domain names are any domain names in which the company owns or uses an ownership interest of any kind.
The characteristics of a great domain name are:
- which can be quickly remembered by anyone.
- is well-versed, and it is something that most people can easily pronounce.
- It is not associated with any other business in your area and is also special.
- It is conveniently brandable.
- This can assist visitors to recognise your brand and connect with your overall business concept.
- If it can be associated with your organization, then that is great for long term success.
- And it has very few, or absolutely no Google search results.
Is Domain Names Important to you?
A domain name provides your business instant credibility and also places you in the exact same online market as your largest competitors. It helps online consumers and your clients search for you as a modern business that is safe to purchase online.
It is the pathway for people to see your internet site, learn more about your organization, and also purchase your product or services.
When we perform a search online, we usually type the keywords to get what we want. But if we can remember some familiar words of website domain names, we would just type the words or website address instead of performing a search.
And when your customers do that, they go straight to your website instead of searching and choosing from thousands of your competitors.
Likewise, SEO is crucial to your organization being located via search, so you need to think about if your picked domain name is SEO-friendly and also consists of keywords that will certainly assist with your site’s ranking.
Have A Cool Domain Name in Mind?
Use our simple domain availability checker to check
if your dream domain is taken or not.
4 Reasons Why Domain Names Important
Without further ado, let’s explore the importance of domains one by one! A unique and memorable domain name is more likely to attract with visitors and connecting them to become return customer.
#1 Branding & Uniqueness
You domain name says a lot about you and your business. For example, the influence of Google and Facebook have spread so extensively that now people are using words such as “please google it” and “I’m facebooking now”.
A good domain name is like a powerful brand name which makes us remember them and think good about them. We also tend to recommend these brands to our friends and family.
#2 Personalized & Customized Email Address
You can create your unique email addresses with a registered domain name. An email address attached to a unique domain name (example: [email protected]) gives better impression and credibility to your potential customers.
For businessmen who wish to establish branding and a professional image, owning a unique domain name is a must.
#3 Search Engines Give Importance to Unique Domain Names
Compared to creating a free website with the domain name of your free host (example: www.freehostname.com/yourcompany), creating a website with your unique domain name (example: www.yourcompany.com) gives your website better ranking in search results.
#4 The Diminishing Availability of .COM Domain Names
Over 600 new top-level domains (TLDs) are available for registrations, and from time to time ICANN opens up suffixes/domain extensions for registration to meet the ever increasing demand of domains.
We are now is a web domain rush in which traditional domain suffixes such as .COM are almost all taken.
So why don’t we go for .SG or .COM.SG domains? Singapore domains give high credibility and trust in both local and international markets.
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