Difference between post and page

You’re just starting out building your website with WordPress but you’re confused between post and page?

In this article, we will be touching on the difference between post and page for a WordPress website.


According to WordPress, posts are entries listed in reverse chronological order on your website.

We can see posts as articles or updates that a company will share to their readers. Just like the article you are reading right now, is a post.

#1 Post have publication date

One way to differentiate between a post and a page is that posts have a publication date. This is because posts are timely and the content may go out to date after some time.

As an example, let’s say that you publish a post on the best smartphones in the market. After a few years, there may be new models released that have better performance.

Because of this, it makes your post outdated and less relevant.  

#2 Post display author details

By default, posts include details such as author name, gravatar, bio, as well as their social profile.

These information is usually shown on the bottom or top of the post, depending on the web designer. 

Posts are required to provide author’s information as it is an indicator on whether the content is created by a subject matter expert.

In addition, this is also useful if you are having multiple contributors creating content for you.

It will be easier for the readers to relate to each author, specifically if your contributors are specialised in different topics and have different writing styles.

#3 You can organise post with categories and tags

In post, you are able to organise your posts with tags and categories. This makes it easy for readers and Google’s bots to navigate through your content.

While it is not compulsory to organise your post with categories and tags, it is highly recommended that you do so because it can make your blog look organised and professional.

#4 Posts allow social engagement

If you are planning to engage with your readers, post is the perfect platform to do so. By default, there is a comment section for posts.

Readers can share their opinions on the article in the comment section.

With more social engagement on your article, it makes it easier for your post to rank well on Google too.


According to WordPress, pages are static and will not be affected by date.

We can see the page as a permanent fixture of your website, it can be an About Us page, Contact Us page, Home page, or Product Landing Page.

#1 Page does not have a publication date

Page does not have a publication date because the content is timeless and readers can refer to the content at any point of time.

While you still need to make some minor updates on the page such as changes in product price, features, but the frequency of updates won’t be as high as posts.

#2 Page don’t show author details

As pages are universal, therefore it usually does not include the author’s name because it is not important to know who published them.

Most of the time, pages will represent your business or website as an entity.

#3  You can organise page with page hierarchy

While you are unable to organise your page with tags and categories, you are still able to organise your page using page hierarchy. 

As an example, you may have a parent part of ‘Domain”, and have several child pages underneath such as “SG Domain”, and “Domain Transfer”.

#4 Pages encourages visitors to take action

While posts allow user engagement, it is different for pages. Page focuses on getting visitors to take action before leaving the website.

In addition, each page will have a different goal, therefore different pages will have a call to action section with different messages.

It can be just a small action such as subscribing to your newsletter, sending an email to customer support, adding items to cart, and more. 

Conclusion: Difference between Post and Page

I hope this article will help you to better understand the difference between post and page for a WordPress website. If you are interested in learning more about WordPress, here are some articles you may like:-

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