data protection and security tips to avoid data exposure

Communication and cooperation are becoming simpler than ever in today’s workplace.

We can work remotely, view documents on our cell phones, and communicate with our coworkers while on the road.

Although the introduction of this sort of office culture is encouraging, data security breaches are now simpler than ever due to the rise of social media, instant messaging, and email, as well as portable devices and removable media in the workplace.

Data is a precious asset, whether it is financial, customer, employee, or intellectual property. So it’s only natural that one focusses on data security and gets data protection.

According to Statista, the number of data security compromises in the United States reached 817 in the first half of 2022.

During the same time period, over 53 million people were harmed by data security compromises, which included data security breaches, data leaking, and data exposure.

10 simple data protection tips to prevent sensitive data from being exposed:

1. Encrypt information

Data encryption and data protection aren’t only for techies; contemporary data security solutions allow everyone to encrypt emails and other information.

Encryption was formerly the unique domain of geeks and mathematicians, but times have changed.

Various freely accessible programs, in particular, have taken the mystery out of encrypting (and decrypting) email and data.

For example, GPG for Mail is an open-source plug-in for Apple Mail that makes it simple to encrypt, decode, sign, and validate emails using the OpenPGP standard.

2. Endpoint security

Data endpoints are the data protection computers that the employees use, such as PCs, laptops, or smartphones.

Intellectual property and sensitive data are stored or sent on these data security devices.

Administrators can utilize endpoint solutions to regulate which devices are in use. This enables them to know about the usage of the solutions, and what data security information was accessed or downloaded.

3. Make use of two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication can be used to secure Facebook, Google, Dropbox, Apple ID, Microsoft, Twitter, and other accounts.

This implies, to protect my privacy, that when users log in, they will also be required to input a secret code that the site will SMS to their phone.

Some websites’ data security services demand it every time a user logs in, while others only require it when people use a new device or web browser.

Most individuals believe it is excessively time-consuming, two-factor authentication works well for preventing others from accessing accounts.

However, if one is genuinely interested in protect my privacy aspect, he or she will put up with the friction.

4. Device management

Employees are now required to carry a smartphone with them at work. This makes it considerably simpler for employees to steal secret data, according to DLP.

Businesses must have data protection and data security rules in place that control the usage of technology in order to restrict this.

The policy should address issues such as password complexity, download and application guidelines, and screen timeouts.

Without such data protection policy, sensitive data is in danger as it enters an employee’s device.

5. Make a data backup

Backing up data is one of the most simple, yet frequently forgotten data protection practices.

Essentially, this produces a duplicate copy of the data so that if a device is lost, stolen, or hacked, the vital information is not lost.

According to the US Chamber of Commerce and insurance provider Nationwide, “68% of small firms do not have a disaster recovery strategy.

The issue here is that the longer it takes to recover the data, the more money one loses.

6. Secure the wireless network at home or at work

It is usually suggested to protect my privacy safeguard the wireless network with a password, which is a great recommendation for data protection of both small company owners and individuals or families.

This stops unauthorized users in the area from hijacking the wireless network.

Even if they’re only trying to receive free Wi-Fi, they don’t want to accidentally risk data security to other people who are using the same network without authorization.

7. Users should be educated

Businesses frequently believe that their staff understands what information to protect my privacy and what information cannot be disclosed.

However, data breaches are not always malevolent, and an employee may be unaware that their actions are putting the organization in danger.

A solid data security policy will be well-defined and simple to grasp. People will not accept the data protection measures if responsibility and employee duties are not clearly defined.

8. Install a firewall

Sucuri Website Application Firewall

“Firewalls aid in the data security of malicious applications, viruses, and malware from infiltrating the system.”

Firewall data protection is provided by a variety of software businesses, but hardware-based firewalls, such as those often found in network routers, give a higher level of data security.”

9. Turn off automatic uploading.

Some devices automatically backup the data to the cloud, and some smartphone or tablet apps store data on remote servers.

Having a data protection and focusing on data security is beneficial, but the backup should only be accessed by the user.

By removing automatic backup settings on the device and on individual applications, one may protect my privacy devices from sharing personal images and other information with the cloud for anyone to view.

10. Purchase anti-virus or anti-malware software to protect my privacy devices.


Most computer users take anti-malware software for granted and later regret data security breaches.

Many customers still underestimate the need for data protection on mobile devices from the rising number of malware programs that affect all sorts of mobile devices.

However, a lot of businesses provide mobile device data security choices that provide modest, at best, protection against attackers.

Businesses have long prioritized keeping customers’ passwords, financial information, and other sensitive personal information safe and secure from outside attackers, but it’s becoming more and more crucial for clients and employees to heed data security advice and follow best protect my privacy practices.

To protect sensitive data, businesses should get Acronis Cyber Protect from Exabytes and start data protection.

Learn more about data security solutions from our experts. Whatsapp us now.

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