Build Your Personal Brand Online

Your personal branding is your reputation, and your long-term reputation is the backbone of your career.

Playing the long game, establishing and building your personal brand online always works to your advantage.

The problem is that individuals see others succeeding with personal branding in the short term and believe that is the way to go.

Instead of being patient, they prefer to make rapid sales. They continue to attempt to convert clients after the initial encounter.

Instead of creating a personal branding experience, they try to extract money.

Your personal branding is about how someone feels when they connect with you or your company. You all get feelings when you hear names like “Apple,” “IBM,” or “McDonald’s.”

Building your personal brand online is essential for anybody who wants to be more successful at what they do nowadays. According to Forbes, personal branding has replaced the resume.

So, how do you go about building your personal brand online? It is not as tough as you may believe. To establish your personal branding, you don’t have to be the best at something.

To build your personal brand, you don’t even need to have nice visuals or sophisticated phrases (unless that is your brand).

People only need to get to know your personal branding, and they will like and trust you.

What Does “Personal Branding” Mean?

Personal branding is more than just a logo or slogan; it is the entire bundle of what you have to offer, including your talents, experience, beliefs, and personality.

Personal branding is the collection of people’s ideas, feelings, and prejudices about you.

When you building your personal brand online, people will gossip about you, and what they say will influence how others perceive your personal branding.

This is significant since personal branding influences everything from career possibilities to relationships.

Building a personal brand is not about boasting or promoting oneself. Building your personal brand online is all about controlling the narrative and ensuring that the rest of the world knows who you are and what you stand for.

5 Essential Stages for Developing Your Own Brand

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Follow these five steps to begin developing your personal branding and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your field.

1# Define your skills and interests.

One of the first steps in building your personal brand online is to look in the mirror and figure out what you like and what you’re good at.

Begin by asking questions such as:

  • Are you a specialist in your field doing personal branding?
  • Can you provide something that people desire for your personal branding?
  • Do people seek your counsel? If yes, what are the topics?
  • What kind of impression do you want to make?

Take some time to consider what you do well. Then, take that knowledge and begin building your personal brand online.

People will be able to see how you can help them if you are more specific about your strengths. You can start building your personal branding around your strengths once you’ve identified them.

2# Define your target audience.

You can’t be everything to everyone. Trying to sell chicken to a vegetarian, no matter how amazing the goods, will never succeed.

The same may be said for personal branding. Your audience is less likely to be adolescents if you market yourself as a childcare specialist.

You can focus on attracting the right people and opportunities for personal branding if you define your target audience from the start.

Here are some questions to consider when defining your target audience:

  • Who can you relate to? Begin with people that have the greatest contact with you.
  • What are their wants, disappointments, and worries?
  • What ‘language’ do they use? Consider where your target audience gets news and information.

3# Start building your personal branding online

Here are three low-cost things you can do to improve your personal branding visibility and credibility:

Start personal branding by creating a social media presence for yourself.

People always do this: meet someone new, then instantly look them up on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Related: Create Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Presence

Create a professional website for personal branding.

Aside from social media, your website is where people will go to learn more about what you have to offer, which is why building your personal brand online is important.

Related: Get Your Beautiful Website Ready in 3 Days

Create an email list for personal branding

If you don’t have an email list, you’re passing up a huge opportunity.

Email is not only one of the most efficient personal branding methods to contact your target audience; it is also a fantastic tool to create connections with clients and prospects.

Related: Host Business Email that Enhances Communication Experience

4# Create useful SEO-optimized content.

The beauty of current content marketing is that it is frequently free. Brands no longer need to spend money on costly TV advertising and billboards.

The playing field has been leveled, and small businesses now have enough opportunities to excel with SEO.

By building your personal brand online, you may educate and excite your audience on a daily basis, eventually converting them into clients.

Related: Be Found On Google Search in 90 Days

5# Advertising budget.

Personal branding can only be as effective as its reach. And how can you ensure that your personal branding material is noticed by your intended audience? You guessed it: advertising spending.

While it is true that brands no longer need to spend money to gain attention, the truth is that they should be for personal branding.

Personal branding is a quicker way to boost your visibility and build personal brand awareness.

There are other possibilities to examine, but here are two to get you started:

  • AdWords by Google The standard for search advertising.
  • Paid advertisements on social media. Go straight to where your target audience spends the most time – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn

Spend your money wisely when it comes to building your personal brand online, and make sure you’re reaching the right people. 


There is an incredible opportunity to build your personal brand online. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, start by purchasing your domain name from Exabytes.

To find out more about Exabytes domain and other services for building your personal brand online, contact us now.

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