Xiao Hui

Xiao Hui
Xiao Hui is an avid blogger who enthusiastically shares knowledge and insights about the digital realm and the latest news.
Business email hosting vs free email services

Business Email Hosting Is Better Than Free Email Services

In today's world of internet and electronic communications, an email account is a necessity. It is difficult to survive without an email address to...
Choose your first domain name

Tips to Choose Your First Domain Name & Domain Extension

The first domain name is an identity of one’s business and is the part of a network address that identifies it as belonging to...
Tips to protect WordPress website security

13 Smart Security Tips for WordPress Websites in 2024

WordPress website security is of high importance in recent times. This is because over 30,000 new websites are hacked every single day. Following some website security protocols...
what is a domain name extension

What Is a Domain Name Extension: TLDs Useful Guidelines

TLD is an abbreviation for 'top-level domain,' and it refers to the last component of any domain name.  For example, the domain name extension in...
What is SSL, TLS and HTTPS

Comparison Between SSL, TLS and HTTPS Internet Security Protocols

A Comparison Between SSL, TLS, and HTTPS Data protection is a priority that internet users crave. No one wants to access a website that leaves...
How to register a domain name

How to Register a Domain Name for Your Website

Register A Domain for Business Website When it comes to creating a website, choosing and registering a domain name is usually the first step. If...
Expired Domain

What Happens When Your Domain Expires? Check Your Domain Name Now

If you've ever had a website, you know that finding the perfect domain name for your brand can be a time-consuming and challenging process....
Domain Owner Lookup

How To Find Domain Owner? Look Up A Domain Owner

Have you ever been curious as to who owns a domain name that you desire? Perhaps it's because the domain you desire is already...
subdomain or subdirectory

What Is A Subdomain & Subdirectory: When You Should Use

What Is A Subdomain? A subdomain name is an information appended to the beginning of the website's domain name. It enables websites to categorize content...
Choose a domain name

Domain Name Ideas 2024! Choose Your Business Website Name

Domain Name Ideas - What Should I Name My Domain? Buy website domain names is an exciting moment, whether you're launching a small business or a...